History and Mission
The Peterborough & District Sports Hall of Fame was founded in 1979 to recognize and honour the names and deeds of those whose athletic prowess has brought fame to this community and to themselves. It operates as a non-profit corporation and recognizes those whose interest in and work for sport resulted in a climate which benefited athletes and athletics within the community. It is part of our purpose to collect, preserve, research, exhibit and promote those objects which are determined to be significant to the history of our community. The Peterborough & District Sports Hall of Fame is guided by a Board of Directors whose primary function is to ensure that this Sports Hall of Fame carries out the objectives of the mandate. The Hall of Fame is operated by a team of dedicated volunteers. The Hall is self supported through fundraising events, individual contributions and memorial donations.
Located at the Peterborough Memorial Centre, the Hall has approximately 4,000 square feet of display space. The museum houses a vast collection of over 10,000 items of sport memorabilia and artifacts dating back to the mid 1800's. The exhibits, photos and stories represent the wide spectrum of sports enjoyed by the citizens of this community spanning some 150 years. We are always interested in receiving donations of sport items such as scrapbooks, uniforms, equipment and photos. The Hall does not purchase memorabilia.
The induction dinner held the first Friday in June, is the major event of the year for the Hall of Fame. Since the inaugural induction ceremony in 1980, more than 300 individuals have had the honour of becoming a member of the Peterborough & District Sports Hall of Fame.

The Story of Our Logo
The “Thunderbird” by local artist, the late Norman Knott, was adopted as the logo and visual brand for the Hall of Fame.