Visitors are NOW WELCOME!
Congratulations to the Petes on their season-opening victory last Thursday night versus the Sudbury Wolves. May they continue to build a strong team and enjoy success.
Thursday night was the first night in 19 months that we were allowed visitors into the Hall of Fame, so we were thrilled when Roger dropped in to say ‘hello’ on Saturday. I think he gives the Hall ‘two thumbs up’!
The Hall will be open before home games and in between periods 1 and 2, and we certainly encourage Petes fans to come in and check the displays we have been working on during the shutdown.
Social distancing will be monitored and until further notice no seating will be available for our guests. And of course, masks are required. Other than that…..it’s business as usual!!
Come and witness the history of sport and the fine athletes of Peterborough & District.