Remembering Neil Broadfoot
The Peterborough & District Sports Hall of Fame would like to extend condolences to the family of local artist Neil Broadfoot, who passed away July 19th, 2020 after a brief illness. Neil, a former teacher of Art at Crestwood Secondary School leaves his wife Margaret.
Neil was generous with his talent, specifically in allowing the above print to be sold as a fundraiser for the Hall of Fame.
His involvement with the Canadian Canoe Museum as Artist in Residence spanned many years.
Our thoughts are with Marg., as well as Neil’s extended family at this time.
Please read further, following this link to Kawartha Now article of Neil’s Life.
Link to Highland Park Funeral Centre Obituary for Neil Broadfoot.
Read the history of Neil Broadfoot’s Peterborough Petes logo design as retold by Don Barrie.