Annual Car Draw Details Announced at Press Conference
The Hall of Fame’s Annual New Vehicle Draw chairman Steve Casey announced all of the details regarding this year’s fundraiser at a press conference November 12th, 2019. The draw, which takes place March 19th, 2020, features the choice of a 2020 Toyota Corolla LE, a 2020 Corolla Hatchback or a 2020 Toyota Yaris Hatchback. Tickets are $20.00 each.
Russelle Toyota, a long-time supporter of the Peterborough sporting community, is pleased to play a major role in the draw.
Along with the new vehicle choices, the grand prize winner also has the option to take a $20,000 cash prize in lieu of a car. New this year is a special preliminary draw for a $1,000 travel voucher courtesy of Carlson Wagonlit. We will again feature 10 preliminary draws for $100. All winners of the preliminary draws will be re-entered into the drum for the Grand Prize!
The Hall is very fortunate to have the support of the businesses listed below, who have generously offered space for the sale of the car draw tickets. The list of these businesses is listed below.
Tickets can also be purchased from any member of the PDSHOF, or you can drop into the Hall of Fame, 151 Lansdowne Street West on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm.
Tickets are available from the following locations:
Adventure Outfitters – Lakefield
Bank of Nova Scotia – All Branches
BMO Lansdowne Place
Box Office, Peterborough Memorial Centre
Champ’s Sports Bar
CIBC – All branches, including Lakefield
Connelly Muffler
Coyle Tire and Auto, Lakefield
Currie Tire
Ennismore Pharmacy
Flannigan’s Butcher Shop
Firehouse Subs
Hastings Legion
Henry’s Barber Shop, Hunter Street
Hobie’s Sports
Hunter Street Tavern – Hunter Street West
Jack McGee
Kawartha Credit Union – Lansdowne Place, Monaghan Rd,
Chemong Rd and Keene
Kevin’s Barber Shop, Park Street
King Street Market
Lakeview Bowl
Marty’s Barber Shop
OK Tire, on the Parkway
Peterborough & District Sports Hall of Fame
Peterborough Community Credit Union
Petes Store, Peterborough Memorial Centre
Purvey’s Fish & Chips
Railway Station Restaurant, Hiawatha
Ricky’s All Day Grill
Robert Young Construction, Chemong Road
Sticks Bar – George Street South
Sunset Grill – Lansdowne Street
Toronto Dominion Bank – All Branches

The vehicle draw is one of the Hall’s two major fundraisers along with Jack’s Peterborough and District Sports Hall of Fame Golf Tournament held each May. The vehicle draw helps offset the Hall’s operating costs while the golf tournament helps fund bursaries for local student-athletes pursuing post-secondary education.