Introducing the Inductees of 2018!
With family and friends by their sides, 6 newly named inductees to the Peterborough & District Sports Hall of Fame were welcomed at a press conference at the Memorial Centre on Wednesday April 4. The 2018 inductees include: Isabel (Young) Crary (Athlete: Ornamental Swimming and Basketball), Greg Hamilton (Builder: Baseball), Reg Millage (Athlete: Golf), Edward (Eddie) Redmond (Athlete/Builder: Hockey), Tara Sharpe (Athlete: Squash), and Jesse Young (Athlete: Basketball). A “family affair” night for three of the inductees, Redmond joins his sons Dick and Mickey in the Hall of Fame, Sharpe joins her parents Nancy and Dan Sharpe, and Reg Millage joins his Dad Randy Millage.
The 39th annual induction dinner will be held on Friday June 1st at 7:00 PM the Evinrude Centre on Monaghan Road in Peterborough to formally welcome these 6 inductees. Tickets will be available for purchase by mid April and full details for the event are available by contacting the Hall of Fame at (705)743-6897 or contact via email at: info@pdshof.com
Link to Peterborough Examiner coverage

Shawn Redmond(representing his grandfather Eddie Redmond), Steve Terry (representing Greg Hamilton) Isabel Crary, Reg Millage, Tara Sharpe, Jesse Young