Ontario Senior 55+ Games Set to GO!
The Ontario Senior 55+ Games are coming to Peterborough August 10 and August 11th, with opening ceremonies being held on the 9th.
The Games are open to Ontario residents age 55 and older, and include a wide variety of sports including 5 pin bowling, bid euchre, billiards, bocce, carpet bowling, contract bridge, cribbage, cycling, darts, euchre, floor shuffleboard, golf, lawn bowling, pickleball, run/walk, slo-pitch, and tennis.
Each of the sporting events will be held around the city, with venues including, but not limited to TASSS, Quarry Golf Club, Activity Haven, Quaker Tennis Park and King Edward Park. The events are run by volunteers, mostly from Peterborough and area.
Up to 1400 participants are expected to be involved in the 17 different activities.
A sampling of the volunteer “swag” is on display at the Peterborough & District Sports Hall of Fame.